Training programme on e-Livestock Integrated Sample Survey (eLISS) software held in Nagaland.

A training on eLISS software was organised by the department of A.H. & Veterinary Services for all the staffs of Integrated Sample Survey in the Directorate on 04th May, 2023. This training was a follow-up of the ‘Two Day Training on eLISS for State Nodal Officers and District Nodal Officers for NER” at Guwahati on 27th and 28th April, 2023. The eLISS software consists of a web-portal and an android based application which is used for collection of Major Livestock Production (MLP) data in digitized mode.
The Director, AH&VS stressed on the importance of statistics and the various uses of the data which is collected under Integrated Sample Survey (ISS). “The data captured in this app will be pivotal in planning, which is again pivotal in the preparation of State and Central budget estimates”, said the Director in his keynote address.