Dairy Development
With the launching of IDDP in the country, the entire gamut of Dairy Development is being mandated to The Nagaland State Dairy Co-operative Federation Ltd. (NSDCF Ltd.) which was set up as a State Apex body during 2002 with a view to replicate the apparent success story of the famous “Anand Pattern” (AMUL) co-operative dairying to other potential districts of Nagaland. The basic design of the Anand Pattern evolved from AMUL comprises of a 3-tier structure viz; State Level Federation, District Level Union and Village Level Societies. At present, Govt. of India is implementing National Plan for Dairy Development in the country. Accordingly, Dairy Development Programme are being implemented in the State as per the guidelines of Govt. of India. Besides, programme on EDEG / DEDS are also being implemented alongwith NABARD & Banks for providing back ended subsidy to the interested farmers for availing soft loans.
In addition, to develop Dairy Farm infrastructures alongwith superior cattle induction in the State, establishment of one Dairy Breeding Farm through NEC assistance is in progress at Diezephe, Dimapur at a total estimated cost of Rs. 100.00 lakhs (1st installment).
This farm aims to hold a capacity of 60 Nos. of Milch Cows, which will be able to produce 183000 liters (183 tones) of milk worth Rs. 73.20 lakhs in 305 days (one lactation). At present construction of the sheds are in active progress.

Infrastructure development of Dairy Farm under NEC in progress