Poultry Development
Poultry farming plays an important role in uplifting the socio economic and nutritional status of the rural poor, particularly the landless and marginal farmers. It is also an industry for the rich entrepreneurs who have established commercial poultry farms for production of day old chicks as well as chicken for table purpose & eggs. Under the Poultry Sector, the department has 9 (nine) functional poultry farms which are supplying quality LIT chicks of 1 (one) month old to the interested farmers at subsidized rate.
Besides the State run Poultry Farms, the department is also implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) under National Livestock Mission (NLM). Under NLM, during 2016-17, Rural Backyard Poultry Development is implemented. Accordingly, BPL farmers from Kiphire and Phek were assisted with 1 (one) month old LIT birds for production of chicken in the rural areas.
With assistance from NEC, Govt. of India, one Poultry Breeding Farm is being set up at Hevishe Village with a target of maintaining 5,000 Nos. of LIT Parent Stock aimed at producing 2.43 lakhs commercial chicks per annum. At present construction of the infrastructure is in active progress

Establishment of Poultry Farm under NEC at Hevishe