Agri – Research, Training and Extension
To increase awareness among all stakeholders involved in Animal Husbandry sector regarding scientific methods of rearing, susceptibility to disease, vaccination, breed improvement aspects related to animal nutrition and schemes implemented by various agencies, the Extension Wing under Skill Development, Technology Transfer and Extension Program implemented various activities during the year through the Chief Veterinary Officers and the Directorate as follows
- Exposure visit of Farmers: To the progressive states where there is already established extension mechanism.
- Training and Capacity Building: Orientation training programme on latest techniques of Veterinary Extension Services were conducted in all the districts through the Chief Veterinary Officers. Also, Refresher Training Programmes were conducted both for the Veterinarians and Para-Vets to update knowledge on the latest know-how and the necessary measures to be taken/prepared. Besides, four (4) officers under group ‘A’ , four (4) officers under group ‘B’ and the Registrar and Superintendant (Estt) attended Orientation on Office Procedures at the Administrative Training Institute (ATI).13 officers were sent to different Institutes outside the state for attending trainings on Fodder & Silage making, PFMS, SOGs etc and 10 officers within state on Disaster Management, Climate Change and other Model Training Courses.
- Other achievement includes deputing 9 students for M.V.Sc and 18 students for B.V.Sc &A.H. course. The Department also, successfully organised the following yearly features, (1) World Veterinary Day(2)World Rabies Day(3) World Animal Day with the rest of the World for Professional Enhancement. The Department also participated in National Red Letter Days by putting up stalls of Exhibition and Sale in the different districts and Sub-Divisions.
Farmers Exposure Visit
Participation in National Red Letter Days